Want to Learn How to Record Pro Audio at Home?
Below are the courses that will help you learn to record your own audio - for musicians or for podcasters/content creators
Pro Podcast Recording Kickstarter
You can make your podcast stand out by sounding super professional. But what does that actually mean? And how do you do that? Isn't it expensive? Isn't it hard? No and no! :-). As long as you have the right teacher. Get started sounding more professional right away!
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Professional Talkers: How To Record High Quality Audio For Podcasts, VoiceOvers & More
This course will teach you how to create professional quality voice recordings at home. The course is for people recording podcasts, getting started in the voice over industry, as well as anyone else recording their voice for anything from audiobooks, or even narrating your own videos.
For this kind of recording, the voice is front and center, all by itself. So the audio quality needs to be high. If it isn't, you could be losing podcast subscribers, voiceover jobs or audiobook customers. And you'd never know why.
Professional Talkers shows you how to record and edit audio at home, on your computer, so it sounds like it came from a professional recording studio.
You'll learn that it isn't about how expensive your gear is. It is MUCH more about knowledge and technique. And it isn't nearly as hard as most people think. Learn the step-by-step process I've been using to get paying voice over gigs for the past 10 years.
Find Out MoreFor this kind of recording, the voice is front and center, all by itself. So the audio quality needs to be high. If it isn't, you could be losing podcast subscribers, voiceover jobs or audiobook customers. And you'd never know why.
Professional Talkers shows you how to record and edit audio at home, on your computer, so it sounds like it came from a professional recording studio.
You'll learn that it isn't about how expensive your gear is. It is MUCH more about knowledge and technique. And it isn't nearly as hard as most people think. Learn the step-by-step process I've been using to get paying voice over gigs for the past 10 years.
How to Create a Home Recording Studio
This mini-course explains how set up a computer-based home recording studio capable of producing professional quality music, voiceovers, video narration, podcasts, audio books, etc. Start recording pro audio for under $100. Virtually anyone can afford it. Then upgrade as needed. People have different needs & budgets. So this course shows you how to create a home studio at 4 different budget levels.
Find Out More6 Tips For Voice Recording: Professional Sound on a Budget
Here are some of the most effective and hard-hitting things you can do to improve the quality of your podcast and voiceover recordings right now. And most of these things are free! So you can put them to use right away! Each tip is a full lesson with detailed explanations, as well as videos showing you exactly how to implement that tip.
Find Out MoreNewbies Guide To Audio Recording Awesomeness 1: The Free Home Studio
This 10-lesson course teaches you the basics of audio recording even if (especially if) you’ve never done any recording before. I’ll show you how to do such awesome audio feats as overdubbing for lush voices & harmony, use and create loops, basic multi-track production and audio editing. And the best part – You can do it all without having to spend more than $0-$15 in software or equipment (the $15 is if you don’t already have a mic – even a cheap plastic PC mic). All you need is a computer. I teach you how to do everything with the free software program called “Audacity.”
Find Out MoreNewbies Guide To Audio Recording Awesomeness 2: Pro Recording With Reaper
Upgrade your audio and raise the level of your voiceovers, podcasts, videos and music into the realm of professional audio using the incredible software called Reaper (which is also incredibly inexpensive). Lessons cover the basics like recording and editing in Reaper, as well as some cool time-saving automation tricks for the voiceover folks, like splitting one file into lots of little ones and saving each one with its own file name, plus producing dialogue files with multiple character voices, and lot more. For musicians there is more multi-track recording stuff for singing harmony with yourself, being a 1-man band, creating and working with loops, and using MIDI for music recording, which shows you how to use virtual instruments such as the synthesizer that comes free with Reaper (ReaSynth), a free piano instrument we download and install together, and drums – using Reaper’s ReaDrums. Plus you’ll learn how to use a MIDI keyboard with Reaper, or if you don’t have one yet, Reaper’s Virtual Keyboard, to play music with your virtual instruments.
Find Out MoreNewbies Guide To Audio Recording Awesomeness 1 and 2
This is just what it sounds like – a bundle with both volumes of the Newbies Guide To Audio Recording Awesomeness in one product. So you can truly start from no knowledge with no budget for gear or software (volume 1) and work your way through to being able to produce professional multi-track voice-over and music tracks (volume 2). You can upgrade the equipment and software in your home recording studio in increments of 50-75 dollars until you’re producing like the pros. If you want to dive right into audio recording and learn fast, you’ll save by purchasing both volumes together (BEST DEAL: it would cost $88 to buy each course separately).
Find Out MoreHarmony Recording Awesomeness
In this 11-lesson course, we show you how to overdub audio tracks for lush voices and vocal harmonies. and you don’t even need multiple singers. You sing harmony with yourself:). Of course, these techniques work for singing with other voices as well. You'll even learn how to use special software programs to generate harmonies for you.
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