Sound (More) Like The Beatles With The Abbey Road Collection Of Plugins

The Abbey Road Collection of plugins by Waves Audio features a bunch of – you guessed it – plugins that model the vintage gear from the famed Abbey Roads Studios in London, UK.
These hardware emulation plugins feature models of microphones, consoles, tape recorder machines and unique effects. This was the gear (the ACTUAL gear, not the software models, obviously) used by such bands as The Beatles, Pink Floyd, U2 and many others.
Some examples include EMI TG12345 Channel Strip (emulates the sound of the legendary EMI solid-state console), The King’s Microphones (models the mics used by the Royal Family to make speeches), Reel ADT, RS56 Passive EQ, and more.
Will you sound like The Beatles or any of the other history making acts that recorded at Abbey Roads if you use the Waves Abbey Road Collection? Well, I guess that depends on how much talent you have to begin with:-P.
But if you play similar music with similar instruments, then you can definitely sound MORE like The Beatles (etc) by applying the plugins in this collection to your recordings. Take a look at the video below for a quick overview of The Abbey Road Collection.
You can get your very own Abbey Roads Collection if you CLICK HERE.